Why Big Brother: Over The Top is Essential Viewing

In this video, I want to explain why Big Brother: Over the Top is the cult classic of Big Brother seasons, despite often being left out of the conversation. And shadowbanned from Paramount+. This video is a beginner’s guide to a forgotten season. Basically: why you should watch it, and how to do so. BB:OTT […]

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The Judd Connection: Defining the Big Brother Redneck Archetype

The Judd Connection

This video is a character analysis of Judd from Big Brother 15: How he personified the familiar tropes of the reality TV redneck archetype, how he compares to some of his country predecessors, and why I think the Big Brother producers have been attempting to re-create that Judd magic every year for nearly a decade. […]

Aerial Assault: The History of Banner Planes over the Big Brother House

Aerial Assault: The History of Banner Planes over the Big Brother House

Today I’m bringing you the first installment in a new series breaking down the long complicated and at times unhinged history of the Big Brother fandom. Mostly because deep dives into the weird intricacies of fandom culture is an entire genre on youtube now. But for a show like Big Brother, understanding the viewpoint of […]

8-bit Big Brother Music

8-bit Big Brother Music

Hey! Have you liked the Nintendo-y sounding music you’ve heard in Barfbag videos? You can listen to the full versions here now. You gotta have a visualizer for tunes like these. So on the lefthand side, please enjoy as many clips of houseguests dancing I could find. I made these using Logic Pro with the […]

Celebrity House Visitors on Big Brother

Celebrity House Visitors on Big Brother

Here’s the follow-up to my first video, Awkward Field Trips Outside the Big Brother House. This time, confused famous people now find themselves face to face with a whole bunch of people, here in this strange place. Today’s Topics Include: Celebrity Superfans: We got Bobby, We got Kathy, and we got Christmas time NPH. Wow, […]

The Definitive History of Dolphincrash

The Definitive History of Dolphincrash

I set out to set the record straight on an absolute legend of legends. A goofball that everyone tried to ignore. Yet he persisted, and that Dolphincrash logo was staring us in the face every episode. So I bought the website. Today’s topics include “The Last Guy They Threw On” – How & why did […]

Awkward Field Trips Outside the Big Brother House

Awkward Field Trips Outside the Big Brother House

Hello. This is where I’m choosing to begin things for my YouTube project. An inconsequential topic at first glance, but that’s my whole thing. In order to properly introduce my perspective, my priorities, & my schtick to the Big Brother community, I’ve brought you a deep dive into the wonderful, bizarre world of Big Brother […]